Do you need to ship by sea?

We will offer you the optimum ship and route to deliver your cargo

“Baltic Freight Forwarding Services” (BFFS) is a Latvian company, providing to its clients brokerage and forwarding services in the sphere of maritime transportation.

Shipload transportation of general cargoes

General cargo is understood to include any packaged cargo transported on board a marine vessel.

Liquid cargo transportation

BFFS transports various kinds of liquid food cargoes, including tropical oils and their fractions.

Bulk cargo transportation

BFFS has gained practical experience and skills in organizing transportation of agricultural cargoes (cereal crops and other agricultural crops).


BFFS offers chartering of vessels of various sizes and shipments of all kinds of cargoes around the world.

Areas of work

“Baltic Freight Forwarding Services” (BFFS) is a Latvian company, providing to its clients brokerage and forwarding services in the sphere of maritime transportation. Our activity includes chartering of various kinds of vessels to transport a wide range of diverse cargoes.

Shipload transportation of general cargoes

General cargo is understood to include any packaged cargo transported on board a marine vessel. Transportation of this kind of cargo unlike bulk transportation requires more careful treatment. Cargo is shipped in a separate transport unit – a container or a ship.

Liquid cargo transportation

BFFS transports various kinds of liquid food cargoes, including tropical oils and their fractions. Our vast experience in this sphere and professional approach guarantee a proper and safe delivery of such cargoes, their complete integrity and conformity of parameters for further use.

Bulk cargo transportation

BFFS has gained practical experience and skills in organizing transportation of agricultural cargoes (cereal crops and other agricultural crops). Long-standing contacts with the leading carriers and maintenance companies around the world help us organize this kind of transportation in any water areas and to any destinations. BFFS is ready to offer short-distance transfers by sea and complicated ocean transportation of any volumes of bulk cargoes. A range of our services includes also river-sea routes.

Container shipments

Container shipments are a cost-effective, universal, fast and reliable method of delivery of your cargo of any volume. Transportation of any cargoes in containers by sea is a solution equally beneficial for the owners of various types and volumes of cargoes, since we offer diverse types of containers and methods of their loading.

About us

Our company has gained a huge practical experience both as a broker and an independent charterer. Baltic Freight Forwarding Services provides its services at a high professional level in cooperation with the leading companies in the sphere of maritime transportation of any types. We are ready to offer to our clients a fast and qualitative assistance at any time.

Our Principles

Shipload transportation of general cargoes

General cargo is understood to include any packaged cargo transported on board a marine vessel. Transportation of this kind of cargo unlike bulk transportation requires more careful treatment. Cargo is shipped in a separate transport unit – a container or a ship.

The sole most convenient and available method of intercontinental transportation of any general cargoes is marine transportation. It is presently the most beneficial, reliable and safe.

An optimum alternative to transport small lots of cargoes by sea is line shipping, in particular, container shipments.

Shipload transportation is a better solution for big consignors, working with bulk cargoes.

A full shipload makes it possible to transport cargoes by any individual route between any accessible sea ports. This method helps optimize all logistic and transport expenses, perfectly satisfying the client’s needs related to timeframes and delivery costs.

Shipload transportation includes a number of tasks:

From development of the optimum route and search of a vessel of the relevant tonnage for a specific shipment at a specific time to control of the logistic chain, comprising stockpiling, storage, loading, transportation and insurance of cargo over the entire route.

Being in constant touch with transportation partners, market monitoring and close cooperation with counteragents around the world help us control this complicated process on-line and promptly respond to any situations, ensuring a timely and successful delivery of cargo.

Contact us and we will offer you the optimum route and scheme of delivery of your cargo.

Liquid cargo transportation

BFFS transports various kinds of liquid food cargoes, including tropical oils and their fractions. Our vast experience in this sphere and professional approach guarantee a proper and safe delivery of such cargoes, their complete integrity and conformity of parameters for further use.

In organizing transportation of bulk food cargoes, we strictly follow all necessary requirements related to storage, transportation, temperature regime during all stages of transportation. Therefore, cooperating with us, you will receive the most qualitative and safe solution for stockpiling, loading, delivery and unloading of such a specific cargo.

For various loads of liquid food cargoes (including mixed) we offer special tanker vessels suitable for simultaneous transportation of mixed liquid cargoes. Tankers transporting vegetable oils are of a more complicated structure than petrol tankers. They differ by numerous cargo tanks, making it possible to transport a big quantity of mixed products at the same time.

Organizing transportation of liquid food cargoes, we take into account a lot of factors: from a specific temperature regime to the type of tank coverage.

Choosing a tank, BFFS cooperates only with major ship owners with recognized reputation and freight brokers.

Bulk cargo transportation

BFFS has gained practical experience and skills in organizing transportation of agricultural cargoes (cereal crops and other agricultural crops). Long-standing contacts with the leading carriers and maintenance companies around the world help us organize this kind of transportation in any water areas and to any destinations.

BFFS is ready to offer short-distance transfers by sea and complicated ocean transportation of any volumes of bulk cargoes. A range of our services includes also river-sea routes.

One of the distinctive peculiarities of bulk cargoes, consisting of variety of small particles (both uniform and non-uniform) is the absence of packaging.

Bulk cargoes may be transported by universal dry-cargo vessels, in containers (including of a big-bag type), by bulk cargo vessels with holds equipped with specific devices. Transporting by universal multipurpose bulk vessels, we guarantee a high level of safety of cargoes during transportation.

As bulk cargo vessels are intended to transport big volumes of any bulk cargoes, it is an excellent solution how to reduce transportation costs.

To organize shipments of this kind of cargoes, it is required to take into account a lot of details: to choose an optimum route, a suitable type of transport, to organize loading/unloading of cargoes, placement and safety of cargoes while en route.

Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you need to deliver your bulk cargo urgently.

Container shipments

Container shipments are a cost-effective, universal, fast and reliable method of delivery of your cargo of any volume.

Transportation of any cargoes in containers by sea is a solution equally beneficial for the owners of various types and volumes of cargoes, since we offer diverse types of containers and methods of their loading.

BFFS will develop an optimum route for container shipments, ensure loading and reliable fastening inside the container, select the optimum and reliable sea carrier, ensure a successful door-to-door delivery of your cargo.

If necessary, we will also organize insurance of shipment and settlement of customs formalities. We will help you, if you need intra-port forwarding and surveyor services. BFFS acts as a container cargo forwarder around the world. The company will entrust your cargo only to major container lines with a good reputation.


BFFS offers chartering of vessels of various sizes and shipments of all kinds of cargoes around the world. We guarantee professional level of chartering, brokerage services and transportation of all kinds of cargoes, including liquid, bulk cargoes, container shipments within all water areas and inland waters.

Our company cooperates only with well-known ship owners, brokers and charterers on the basis of continuous partnership relations and vast practical experience. The main regions of the company’s activities are Southeast Asia, Europe, MENA countries.

We will easily charter for you a dry-cargo vessel, a tanker or a bulk cargo vessel and will settle all organizational matters with ship owners and port services.

Chartering of vessel includes search of a vessel suitable in all aspects and signing of transportation agreement with its owner. You can charter the entire vessel or part of the vessel for your cargo.

We will always find for our clients the most competitive chartering rates for any shipments of cargoes of any profile and tonnage.

If you need to charter a vessel, please do not hesitate to contact us!